Thursday, September 15

extra large coffee please

I was on the road at 5:30 this morning. And, yes, I realize to many this is a perfectly acceptable time to be on the road starting their day but being a designer, not starting until 10 really has saved me from this horrible predicament. I just felt it was my duty to share my experiences with you on the few things I discovered. 

  • First I firmly believe that all of the radio stations team up to play the loudest, semi obnoxious songs as a safety hazard to keep everyone alert at 5am. (thank you, it worked.) Me jamming to Ke$ha that early really put a pep in my step for the day.
  • It is much harder to read your directions due to the pitch black sky outside. I know what you all are thinking...why in the world do you still have paper directions...Well, yes, I still believe paper directions are the way to go. Somehow my Garmin and GPS on my cell have not convinced me nor given me enough confidence in them to get me to where I need to be. 
  • Aren't you supposed to turn your brights off when opposing traffic is coming? These "5-AMer's" must have a system going where they don't mind if they blind each other - I guess I should not complain, I mean it only happened what 6 times?
  • Pre Car- The only thing worse then hearing your alarm clock = hearing it at 4:45am.
  • And lastly, I finally understand the true essence of cup holders...Having your coffee that close to you is detrimental that early in hopes to drive let alone function properly. 
Tip: I found that if I tricked myself into thinking it was nighttime (since it was still so dark out) it made it a little less painful then when in actuality it is not even will be so tired that it might actually work!  :)

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