Thursday, September 15

extra large coffee please

I was on the road at 5:30 this morning. And, yes, I realize to many this is a perfectly acceptable time to be on the road starting their day but being a designer, not starting until 10 really has saved me from this horrible predicament. I just felt it was my duty to share my experiences with you on the few things I discovered. 

  • First I firmly believe that all of the radio stations team up to play the loudest, semi obnoxious songs as a safety hazard to keep everyone alert at 5am. (thank you, it worked.) Me jamming to Ke$ha that early really put a pep in my step for the day.
  • It is much harder to read your directions due to the pitch black sky outside. I know what you all are thinking...why in the world do you still have paper directions...Well, yes, I still believe paper directions are the way to go. Somehow my Garmin and GPS on my cell have not convinced me nor given me enough confidence in them to get me to where I need to be. 
  • Aren't you supposed to turn your brights off when opposing traffic is coming? These "5-AMer's" must have a system going where they don't mind if they blind each other - I guess I should not complain, I mean it only happened what 6 times?
  • Pre Car- The only thing worse then hearing your alarm clock = hearing it at 4:45am.
  • And lastly, I finally understand the true essence of cup holders...Having your coffee that close to you is detrimental that early in hopes to drive let alone function properly. 
Tip: I found that if I tricked myself into thinking it was nighttime (since it was still so dark out) it made it a little less painful then when in actuality it is not even will be so tired that it might actually work!  :)

Tuesday, September 13

flip flops & hoodies

Hello guys! I must start off by saying my last few classes had a much higher success rate then the first. Well, at least I can say I was not late! (I know you all were worried.) But somehow even though I was on time, attention was still called upon myself. I guess it may provoke a little curiosity and that was expected me being one of the only girls in most of my classes…also the only interior designer. I am paired with architects and engineers. (Sigh, as if I didn’t already feel outcast enough!) To top it off, I must have had a sign on my forehead saying I was a new kid on the block because more times than I would have enjoyed did people say… “Oh you must be a freshman.” (False, already have my bachelor’s degree.) Sigh again.

But, regardless of all of that, I do love all of my classes & Professors and I am enthusiastic for what there is to come! (Thumbs up.) Also, I am thankful for this incredible opportunity to learn from architects & engineers who have been in this field for years! (sorry for the mushy stuff.)

Fall. How do I love you. Can we just go through a list of some of the reasons why it is one spectacular season? 
  1. falling leaves
  2. chilly nights
  3. football
  4. pumpkin scented candles - pumpkin scented anything
  5. curling up with a blanket
  6. beautiful colors
  7. bonfires
  8. the smell of bonfires
  9. cookies - good at all seasons, but somehow taste better in fall
  10. afternoon jogs - not from experience sadly- but they do look nice when I see others participating
  11. hooded sweatshirts - possibly the best
  12. the fact the thanksgiving & christmas are right around the corner
  13. still able to wear flip flops
*Disclaimer for #13: my mother has been telling me for years, that I will get sick from wearing flip flops in fall/winter. But I disclaim to ever hearing that, because I can't, can't stop wearing flip flops in the fall :) 

Whats your favorite thing?

Saturday, September 10

saved by the bell

You know that feeling when you walk into a room out of breath because you just ran up a flight of stairs...that's right just one flight...and everyone stares at you wondering why you are 10 minutes late, and that you are dreading the professor calling attention to you while you are trying to sneak in unnoticed, but you're caught and the prof. calls you out by asking you your name, and you try to get it out but you can barely because you are so out of breath and nervous because everyone is waiting for your reply? And then at the end of class the prof. decides to slip in..."make sure to be on time next week"...not directed to anyone in particular of course....
Good, me either.

The worst thing about the whole first day back to school was the fact that in the middle of class...a 4 hour class...all I could find myself thinking about was..."what defines if a restaurant is considered fast food or not." I have been contemplating this rather frequently lately. It all started with the fact the I will never, never let anyone persuade me that Chipotle is fast food. It is gourmet burrito. The end. (side note: if you have never had Chipotle, I may or may not think you are crazy!)
My best conclusion to this mystery is- if there is a drive through window, then it is fast food. Now with all of the "curb side carry out" going on at what some might call sit-down restaurants such as Applebee's is just toying with everyone's emotions. But, you do need to call ahead to place an order, so no, not fast food.    

I saw Awkwards & Awesomes on my friend Sarah's blog: Total Basset Case (it's way cute--check it out!)
Since, for some reason awkwardness loves to follow me around I decided that would be perfect.


  • being 10 minutes late to your first day of class. sigh.
  • talking to your puppy while you're outside for a good 5 minutes before you realize your neighbor is outside also
  • making the realization that when I shop in chicago, I pay more...stupid 8.5% sales tax..grrr!
  • when you are at a hotel, and you decide to go to your friends room at 2 in the morning, sure no one will see you in your PJ's at this really nice hotel. False. A large group of guys from Argentina get in. I guess it was my fault accidentally sending myself to the lobby instead of the right floor. I do not know which is worse, the fact they made fun of my PJ's or the fact they lead to my shocking revelation that wow, I'm lame and I've already been in bed for hours and they are just coming back.


  • getting a winning scratch off lottery ticket (even if it was only $2)
  • Clinque bonus time!
  • finding out that I CAN make something right...Puppy Chow! Man, is it good!
  • being positive that maybe next time I will have more "awesomes" then "awkwards"

Tuesday, September 6

the perfect fedora

So, I just got back from my 2 week hiatus in Chicago. This started as a short 3-4 day trip, but the idea of hiding from the “real world” was very fascinating to me, hence the 2 weeks.
I discovered a few very important things about myself while out there. The first, I have found that I love something more then food; Chicago food. Let me take you through a day of what I would recommend to anyone who is visiting the Chicago area.

BREAKFAST: Lumes Pancake House. Palos Park, IL. 
(about 2 other locations in area too.)
Do not let the name fool you. Their expertise in breakfast is exhibited way beyond pancakes. In fact, I have never even gotten pancakes there before.  The skillet; including: potatoes, onions, cheese and bacon…one word...incredible. This is really all I can say for this meal, breakfast is not my best.

LUNCH: Pop’s Italian Beef.  Orland Park, IL (multiple locations in area.)
Wow, if you need a great burger and cheese fry, this place is calling your name! And to top it off, the pricing is great. It is way cheaper then any fast food plus way tastier. Cheeseburger $2.45 plus a half order of cheese fries (enough to basically feed 2 men) $2.25.

DINNER: Grand Lux Café. Chicago, IL
You may have to take a train or pay $15 to park, but it is totally worth it. This place is not only delicious to your taste buds, but architecturally as well.  From the moment you walk in to the moment you roll yourself out saying how you ate way too much, you enjoy every second! I love pasta, so naturally my dish of choice is the Pasta Carbonara. “Imported Spaghettini Pasta Tossed with Smoked Bacon, Peas, a Touch of Garlic and a Parmesan Cream Sauce. A Classic Combination!” 

The best part? The experience doesn’t end there. I am not really a desert person, but you can’t pass it up here. New Orleans Beignets. The best that I can describe these are warm, gooey, sugary perfection. You add that with sauces chocolate, white chocolate and strawberry and you will be drooling! 

One other thing I found out about myself during this hiatus I felt I needed the perfect fedora. It only took ONE person to tell me they look good on me to create the dyer need to find one. So after my long journey through downtown, and very unsuccessful search all while my boyfriend felt the need to point our every person who had already found their perfect fedora, I returned home, defeated. But I am still on the search for my perfect fedora....hopefully before classes start on Thursday... eek.